Born from a love of literature, children's books and dollhouse miniatures, author Nico Seabright has created the world's smallest bookstore, Booksprocket, located in Portland, Oregon. Specializing in miniature books and children's literature, the bookstore in slated for public viewing post-pandemic, however a social media presence has been created to document the entire project from concept to creation.

According to the Miniature Book Society, "In the United States a miniature book is usually considered to be one which is no more than three inches in height, width, or thickness. Outside of the United States, books up to four inches are often considered miniature." Miniature books are 100% readable with unique illustrations, leather binding, gold leaf, and other professional considerations.

The bookstore will host author readings and other public events, including regular art shows featuring artists who specialize in miniature artwork. In addition, a Booksprocket imprint is also in the works with several miniature editions scheduled for release in 2021.